Monday, February 10, 2014

...But Do You Know Why The Wind Blows?

By Dr. Ken Baloney, PhD

I was watching the Weather Channel and was quite disappointed in the blatant omission of God and the Bible.  The Bible frequently mentions weather events such as the Great Flood during Noah's time, the Plague of Hail and Elias' power of prayer.   The Bible quite clearly states that God is the cause behind the weather, as we can see from these scriptural examples:

Leviticus 26:4 - Then I will give you rain in due season
Nahum 1:3 - …the LORD hath his way in the whirlwind and in the storm,

1 Samuel 12:18 - So Samuel called unto the LORD; and the LORD sent thunder and rain that day: and all the people greatly feared the LORD and Samuel.

Jonah 1:4 - But the LORD sent out a great wind into the sea,

Can any scientist show us that clouds just form all on their own?  How can any scientist prove this? How can any scientist prove that weather patterns are not directed by a divine force?  You see, the difference between me, Al Roker and other “weather men” is simply a matter of interpreting the data.

The pagan, naturalistic explanation for weather patterns has only lead to increased immorality in the last 150 years, and ever since the advent of broadcast news -- which beams secular "weather reports" into everyone's homes each night -- entire generations have been indoctrinated into believing nontheistic explanations for weather and climate.  Is it any coincidence that rampant immorality virtually exploded with the first generation raised on television…the Baby Boomers?  Because if people don't believe that their behavior causes God to literally rain down meteorological judgment upon them, then who knows what kinds of sins they'll commit!

Al Gore's Detour:   Climate Change Correlates With Corruption 

Evolutionists and other liberals claim that increased fossil fuel consumption is causing the earth's climate to change, which is leading to severe weather.   They call this “anthropogenic climate change”, which means it was caused by mankind’s actions. But just like their other claim about molecules to man, this is just a matter of how one interprets the data.

Of course, we’ve known for millennia that the weather has been anthropogenically caused!  So if we put our Biblical glasses on, we can match the data to increased tolerance towards homosexuality and corrupt, sinful behavior in general.   Now, scientists say that last year was the warmest year ever recorded.  And last year saw an increasing number of states that legalized Sodomite marriages.  The Bible contains many examples of God using the weather and so forth as a form of punishment.  So instead of calling it simply Global Warming Theory, we should call it the Global Sodom and Gomorrah Theory.  

Of course, we as Creationists can demonstrate our unselfish love of the environment by trying to delay the damage done by sin.   You all love polar bears and baby seals, don’t you, kids?  Why should these innocent creatures suffer the consequences of mankind’s wicked ways? By pledging at least $20 to our ministry, we’ll send a box of tuna fish to keep those polar bears from going hungry, and more importantly, keep busy reminding everyone that marriage is between one man and one woman only.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Tracking the Delkasaurus

By Dr. Carl Baughlox, PhD

The Delkasaurus was a very special and unique dinosaur, made famous by its fossil track which was found together with a human footprint.  And this fossil clearly tells a story that validates the Bible.

As you can see quite clearly from this fossil, it was very muddy.  And we know that mud in the fossil record can only mean one thing: ...a major catastrophic flood that covered the entire world, 4,000 years ago! 

So you see -- it's so very clearly obvious that the human was running to get away from this impending flood -- because it was muddy due to the heavy rain that was falling — and he crossed the path of  Delkasaurus.  (Here's our artist's re-creation of this event taking place.)

Now the reason the Delkasaurus is so special is because of the shape of its foot, which had a flat sole, beveled edge and no claws.  Evolutionists like to claim that all dinosaurs had claws on their feet, but as we can see from this highly authentic Delkasaurus print, that was clearly not the case!  Isn't science wonderful, kids? 

Unfortunately, because the Delkasaurus walked so slowly, it missed its chance to board the ark. ... It missed the boat, so to speak.  Just like evolutionists!  But it left its tracks behind to remind us that dinosaurs and man once lived together in Bible times!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Why We’ll Never Ever Answer This One

By Dr. Ken Baloney, PhD

Evolutionists are always asking us, as creation scientists, to explain how a man can be made of clay.  Well, all I can say is that this is top secret classified information that only God would have the answer to.  And I'll explain some very good reasons why we aren't even going to try to make the effort find out.    

It seems that every other week, some gal from COSMOPOLITAN magazine phones our research institute asking us to share this knowledge with them, and every time, we just reply to them that we don't know.   We're not even going to go down that path.  Could you imagine what would happen if the secret got leaked out, how to make a man from clay?  Could you imagine what sort of chaotic world this would become if these trollops got their hands on that kind of information?  I shudder to think - it would spell the end for guys like myself, as well as my friends and political allies.  In the Bible, God said to Eve: “[your husband] shall rule over you” (Gen. 3:16) and I certainly hope it stays that way!    

And Paul wrote:  For man did not come from woman, but woman from man. And man was not created for woman, but woman for man.

Friday, February 7, 2014

The Mystery of Flight 370: A Biblical Explanation

By Dr. Erik Hokum, PhD

We've heard quite a lot about the Malaysia jet Flight 370 that has gone missing, and so far, despite all of the advanced technology we have, science has been unable to locate it.  Well, we here at AnswersInJunkscience offer another theory.

The Bible quite clearly states that there are windows and doors in the heavens.  They were mentioned twice in Genesis, and twice in 2 Kings.  
Genesis 7:11 
In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.
2 Kings 7:2
Then a lord on whose hand the king leaned answered the man of God, and said, Behold, if the Lord would make windows in heaven, might this thing be?
Psalm 78:23
Though he had commanded the clouds from above, and opened the doors of heaven,

Before Noah's Flood, there was a layer of water over the layer we call the sky.  This layer of water was emptied when God opened Heaven's windows, and this is why the layer of water is no longer there.  But the windows remain.

Records indicate that the aircraft before its disappearance flew up to 45,000 feet, which is past the limit that planes can go.  Airplanes aren't supposed to go any higher than 42,000 feet. And do you know why?  Science doesn't want to tell you why, but this is probably where the windows of Heaven reside.  And if the Bible says it, that settles it.  The atmosphere is made up of 7 layers of 7,000 feet each (because 7 is God’s perfect number).  42,000 feet is the end of the 6th layer where the windows would be.  (The 7th layer was where the water canopy was, before Noah's Flood).

So the plane may very well have flown out of one of Heaven’s windows.

Why don't we have photos of these windows?  Well, as you know, very few people get the opportunity to see the upper limits of the stratosphere, and we’re supposed to believe what the secular scientists tell us. But in fact, most of the “photos” they show us are really just computer renderings.   It also takes faith to be able to see them in your heart, and the secular scientists can't see them because they have no faith.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Beyond Our Ken: Evolutionists Say The Darnedest Things

By Dr. Ken Baloney, PhD

Indeed, we just don't know what to make of the extraordinary evolutionary claim that the whale descended from a cow, or that this creature they call an "Ambulocetus", was somehow an ancestor of whales. 

...Now does that look like either a whale or cow to you?  No sirree!  We don't know what these evolutionists have been imbibing, but it probably isn’t very Biblical!  

In fact, if we look very carefully, we can determine what kind of animal this creature really was!  

...Now that's what I call a "whale" of a "tale!" (Haha!  See what I did there?)